Argonaut Productions specializes in video storytelling for organizations that want to make a difference.
Video Storytelling Done Differently
Online Messaging can be frustrating.
The internet gives you global reach but it’s a challenge to stand out from the crowd.
You’ve heard that video is the answer to your marketing challenges.
But everybody else has heard that too!
Your organization needs video messaging that resonates with your audience.
Video storytelling amplifies your message.
Argonaut Productions does video storytelling that delivers results.
If you want to learn more about how video storytelling can amplify your organization’s message . . .
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Amplify Your Mission.
Build Awareness.
Don’t Just Tell Your Audience What You Do Show Them WHY You Do It
Show Impact.
Don’t Just Tell Your Audience Who You Help Show Them HOW You Help
Raise Funds.
Don’t Just Tell Them Where Their Support Goes Show Them WHEN They Make A Difference
Engage Your Audience
You’re dedicated to making a difference and the work you do delivers results. But big challenges require a lot of resources and your mission needs support so that you can accomplish more. You can use dollars and you appreciate your donors. But what you really need are supporters.
The difference between a donor and a supporter can be found in what they invest. Donors provide financial support to your cause. Supporters invest a piece of themselves in your organization’s vision.
You know you have a story that’s worth telling. You know there are supporters out there who want to hear it. Argonaut Productions helps you discover the best way to tell it and the best way to share it. That way your story extends an invitation.
Raise Awareness For Your Cause
The power of video to tell stories that resonate cannot be overstated. But it isn’t a power that comes from video as a technology. The real power lies in the combination of video and powerful storytelling. That’s what really amplifies a message. That’s what really resonates with an audience.
If your organization isn’t using video storytelling to make and nurture connections, you’re missing out on an opportunity to build your community.
If your mission is important and your vision is inspiring, you owe it to your organization to reach out to your audience with appeals that mean more.
Show Impact
Supporting a cause is something that people do because it makes them feel good. It isn’t a transactional investment. It’s an emotional one.
Nurturing relationships built on emotional bonds isn’t about connecting the dots or tracing a line on a chart. Nurturing relationships with your supporters takes more. You need to inspire them to invest in your vision. You need to show them progress. You need to maintain their trust in your ability to do more.
Argonaut Productions can manage your video project and deliver impactful storytelling that will compliment your other messaging efforts and increase your audience’s commitment to your cause.
Get Video Storytelling That Makes a Difference!
It all starts with a phone call.
Schedule an introduction with Argonaut Productions. We’ll answer all of your questions about “WHAT” video storytelling can do for your messaging campaign. We’ll ask questions that help us understand your “WHY”.
There’s no time like the present. Let’s get started!